Paper Submission

Writing Rules

The abstract should be provided in English.

The title should be added to the beginning of the abstract.

The title of the abstract should be a maximum of 200 characters. The title should reflect the content of the study and attract the attention of readers.

Only the first letter in the title should be written in capital letters, and all remaining words should be written in lowercase letters.

Abstracts should be less than 250 words each.

Abstracts should include TITLE, AUTHOR(S), INSTITUTION(S), and ABSTRACT TEXT sections respectively.

Authors’ names should be written in the order of Name, SURNAME. Authors’ names (only the first letter capitalized) and their surnames (all capital letters) should be written without abbreviations. Each author on the list must have an affiliation.

The institutions should be written with their full names, departments, and cities, in the order of the names of the authors. Institutions should be written in the order of university, faculty, department, and city.

Abstracts should include: “Purpose”, “Methods”, “Results ” and “Conclusion” headings.

Purpose: The reason for the study should be stated.

Methods: The number of cases/subjects and the clinical, diagnostic, and experimental methods used should be clearly described.

Results: The obtained quantitative or qualitative data and statistical results, if any, should be given. Conclusion: The conclusions reached from the data obtained should be summarized and the contribution of the study to science should be examined.

Acronyms should not be used in abstracts unless required. If abbreviations are to be used, they should be clearly stated where they are first used in the abstract.

At least 3 and at most 5 keywords should be provided. Key words should be in conformity with MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), (

Abstracts should be prepared in “Microsoft Word” format numbered in 12-point “Times New Roman”  font, and double-spaced with 2.5-cm margins on both left- and right margins.

Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should not contain tables or images.

Abstracts should be prepared as a single paragraph.

The name of the author who will make the presentation should be underlined.

Oral presentations will be accepted to the congress, and the deadline for abstract submission is October 20, 2023.

Kindly submit your abstract papers to the dedicated congress email address: [email protected].